It is hard work and it is stressful, but it's pretty simple.
Your job is not (necessarily?) to go to your office, answer calls, write sermons and bulletins (in my case), or be a super busy undergrad with midterms and life (in Will's case), or if you have people you tend to, to keep on tending.
Ergo, I am beginning to miss the bike tour. If you're a pal on Facebook, you get to see the photos that I've been uploading. Here are a few to give you a sense of our start in Washington. I don't know when Will and I are going to get together to write stories, but I know that we should. That's what people who have many Life Experiences have been telling me. (In fact, I presided over a burial yesterday, and the deceased's lawyer said as much.)
A lot of this kind of action |
We camped a lot. Here we are, the night before we began our biggest climb of the whole trip. |
So there you go. Back to work-like activities.
Those are some beautiful photos. I did some bike touring last summer, on my Montague folding bike. I rode through some beautiful places like you have here, but when I had to get from city to city...sometimes I'd just take a bus.