Friday, August 19, 2011

What you can do #2

Horns. Horns. Let's talk about horns. One thing that many (not all, natch) cyclists agree on is how much of a pain car horns are. It stinks something rotten to have someone honk at you, especially because it's a looooooot louder outside the car than inside it.

Perhaps you're just trying to let the cyclist know you're there. Awesome for safety! There's a good chance she already knows... unless you're in a prius, and then maybe the large can of Arizona iced tea could be your indicator. (I keed, I keed. Love you and your gas mileage.)

But it's really loud and jarring, and it's already hard enough to share the road with cars. A gentle, teeny honk is OK. But usually the horn means anger and it's also pretty scary.

If you're trying to say "hi" or "RIGHT ON, BIKE RIDERS!!!!!!" you could roll down your window and offer a "woo hoo!" or a thumbs up. We loved getting those on this trip!

Un idea! One of many. Go forth in safety, amigos.

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