We started off in rain with wet tents stuffed into their bags. Rode in the rain for a while. The weather cleared.
Will had the first flat since Montana. Then I got one later- another staple. Then I found this broken spoke. I consulted with Cale, an great bike friend, but couldn't quite get it in. Plus it was late and we were on the side of a highway. And mosquitos.
Minnesota: 10,000 lakes and 10,000,000,000,000 mosquitos. I just went back and added more zeros so that you'll get my point.
If you were to talk to me now I might whine a little, perhaps about this rain jacket that no longer seems to be.waterproof. But then I'd remember that I'm typing this to you on a phone and about to drink water from a tap and will continue on a bike ride tomorrow. So.
My dinner involved the following: sardines (in water, NOT in mustard sauce, que no me gustan, cabbage, ramen (the vegan top ramen "oriental" flavor, instant lentil soup mix, and salt. The sardines and cabbage were on sale.
I ate it in my tent because 10,000 of the mosquitos were hanging around our spot tonight.
70 ish miles. Le Sueur, MN. Minneapolis tomorrow, we plan.
It's made from orientals.