Well, last night we stayed at the Gerlachs' place in Seattle. Their son, John, goes to Yale with Will, who most of you have not met yet. In time. The Gerlachs offered us a second night when it seemed clear that we would have a.... slow start today. It's not that we weren't up early working, it's that we clearly demonstrated that we, indeed, are not bike mechanics. We eventually figured out what to do, though! I had to play a little bolt swap but am ready to go with just a few more adjustments tomorrow morning. The front brakes sing like crazy when braking, and the rear brakes are a little to tight. We rode to the store today, about 5 miles with a major hill, and it was really scary to go down it. I hope that will work itself out over time. Will had to abandon his rear fender, as there just wasn't enough clearance to make it happen with his caliper brakes.
John's father, helped us out a bunch by going to the flagship REI and picking up some items I had shipped there. That gave us more time to keep working on the bikes and to pick up a few other supplies. John's mom made us breakfast this morning - so delicious and welcoming. (We also had dinner at the house, too!) We would be in much worse shape if it weren't for their kindness and hospitality.
We still won't have much climbing tomorrow but it will be our first day with the full packs, so if we hit 50 miles, I think it will be good. We'll head up to the South Whidbey area and then go inland a bit after that.
We drove with John in the car a little today. It was sunny (aparently the first sun in 1.5 weeks) and a pleasant temperature. As we climbed up the Sammamish Plateau, we saw some of the Cascades in the distance, still with some snow. Whoa.
We're still on East Coast time. Time for bed!
Thank so much four your support, amigos.